
Cracking 60-Years Secret of The Sun's Magnetic Waves

A scientist from Queen's University in Belfast has led an international team to the pioneering discovery of why the sun's magnetic waves …

Follow The Trend: Scientists Design New Grid Batteries For Renewable Energies

How do you store renewable energy so that it is available when you need it, even when the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing? Giant b…

Light-Based "Tractor Beam" Assembles Materials At The Nanoscale

Modern construction is an effort of precision. Manufacturers must use components manufactured to meet specific standards - such as beams of a de…

A Long-Lasting Stellar Explosion Lights Up The Hope of A Supernova We've Never Seen Before

A Billions of years ago, something in the swirling darkness of space erupted with a fury that obscured the glow of entire galaxies. Eventually, th…

A New Method to Measure Gravity: Using Floating Atoms

A team of researchers at the University of California at Berkeley found a new way to measure gravity by noting differences in atoms in a state of g…

Instantaneous Velocity and Speed - Motion in One Dimension

We often need to know the velocity of a particle at a given moment, rather than the average velocity over a finite time interval. For example, eve…

Position, Velocity and Acceleration Vectors - A Simple Way

Kinematics is the part of mechanics that describes the movement of particles, objects or groups of objects. In these pages, we will analyze the mo…

Matter and Model Building, Density and Atomic Mass

Matter and Model Building If physicists can not interact directly with a phenomenon, they often imagine a model for a physical system related …

Physics and Measurement - Standarts of Length, Mass, and Time

1.1 What is Physics Science and engineering are based on measurements and comparisons.  Thus, we need rules about how things are measured and c…

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