Change of track: reversal of the path of electrons through nature's solar cells Photosynthetic organisms have a similar switching point. Once the sunlight is absorbed, the energy is quickly transferred to a protein called th…
Tracking The Fundamentals of Thermodynamic Since the end of the 19th century, physicists have known that the transfer of energy from one body to another is associated with entropy. It qui…
Scientists identify harmful bacteria based on DNA at very low cost A new bacterial identification method, called ON-rep-seq, examines the strain-specific selective fragments of the bacterial genome, enabling the…
Neutrons optimize highly efficient catalyst for a more environmentally friendly approach to biofuel synthesis Researchers at the University of Manchester have developed a catalyst that converts biomass into fuel with remarkably high efficiency and offers…
New study looks at biological enzymes as a source of hydrogen fuel Davis has conducted research from the University of Illinois and the University of California that has brought chemists one step closer to recon…
The Single-Molecule Detection of Cancer Markers Brings The Liquid Biopsy Closer To The Cinic A quick, inexpensive, yet sensitive technique for finding cancer markers brings researchers closer to a "liquid biopsy" - a test that …
Deadly "Superbugs" Destroyed By Molecular Drills Molecular drills have been given the ability to control and destroy deadly bacteria that have developed resistance to almost all antibiotics. In…
The Surprising Discovery By Chemists of Nanoconfined Reactions Might Support The Catalytic Design Georgia State University's chemistry researchers have uncovered one of the puzzles of catalytic reactions on a microscopic scale that enable…
Scientists Explore Egyptian Mummy Bones Using X-Rays And Infrared Light Experiments at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) shed new light on Egyptian soil and ancient mummi…
Microbes Harvest Electrons: The Novel Process Discovered Since scientists have discovered that certain microbes can draw their energy from electrical charges, researchers have wondered how they do it. M…