Cracking 60-Years Secret of The Sun's Magnetic Waves A scientist from Queen's University in Belfast has led an international team to the pioneering discovery of why the sun's magnetic waves …
Deadly "Superbugs" Destroyed By Molecular Drills Molecular drills have been given the ability to control and destroy deadly bacteria that have developed resistance to almost all antibiotics. In…
Reorganization of A Computer Chip: Transistors Can Now Process and Use As Information Storage A computer chip processes and stores information with two different devices. If engineers could combine these devices into one or place them sid…
The Ancient Egyptians Collected Birds From The Wild to Sacrifice And Mummify Them In ancient Egypt, sacred ibis were collected from their natural habitats to offer ritual sacrifices. This is clear from a study published by Sal…
The Surprising Discovery By Chemists of Nanoconfined Reactions Might Support The Catalytic Design Georgia State University's chemistry researchers have uncovered one of the puzzles of catalytic reactions on a microscopic scale that enable…
The New Haptic Arm Makes Robotics Easy To Reach Imagine that you could build and use a robotic device without the need for expensive specialized equipment or knowledge. This is the vision that r…
Scientists Explore Egyptian Mummy Bones Using X-Rays And Infrared Light Experiments at the Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) shed new light on Egyptian soil and ancient mummi…
Computer Scientists Are Developing A New Tool That Will Generate Videos From Themed Texts In a world of inexperienced photographers and videographers gathering a flood of content through their smartphones and handheld devices, there is …
Microbes Harvest Electrons: The Novel Process Discovered Since scientists have discovered that certain microbes can draw their energy from electrical charges, researchers have wondered how they do it. M…